Support is the core of the process
You would also like to study at the École de Management INSA ?
Follow the steps below to turn your study project into reality.

91.4% of graduates who were aiming at the job market got a job related to their training*.
Already-employed graduates were able to access a new position that met their expectations.
The Recognition of Acquired Competencies (RAC) program delivery fashion, for the Executive Assistant Attestation of Collegial Studies (ACS/AEC) program is intended for people with work experience as executive assistant, secretary, administrative officer, office coordinator and as Microsoft Office specialist.
In this individual process, the candidate has to demonstrate that s/he has the knowledge and skills pertaining to the 14 competencies of the program. These competencies relate, among other things, to the use of office tools and services, to the efficient processing of information, to organizational skills, as well as to the training and supervision of office staff. Should the candidate not being deemed having all the required knowledge and skills for a specific competency, then s/he will be invited to undergo short self-trainig to improver her/his skills, according to her/his availability.
*Source: Ministère de l'Education et de l'Enseignement supérieur (2019). Relance à la formation technique au collégial, enquête de 2020, Québec, Québec: Government du Québec.
1st step: Preparing your application
Please complete the following application form: Click here
Updated résumé (CV);
Employer's letter mentioning the position you held, the tasks performed and the dates of employment;
Any letter of recommendation;
Qualification card or certification, if applicable;
CAD $50:Application fee Click here
2nd step: Analysis of your file
Your file will be handed to the RAC advisor who will analyze the relevance of your application and determine any equivalences or substitutions (if applicable) based on the documents presented. The advisor can appoint a content specialist to support him in his analysis;
Step 3: Validation interview
The candidate's validation interview takes place with the content specialist and/or the RAC advisor.
Step 4: Assessment of acquired competencies
To validate your competencies, the content specialist will invite you to perform various assessments such as written work, practical work, questionnaires in the presence of an assessor, obsevation of a video, direct observation of your performance in your workplace, a phone interview, an in-person interview, etc. You will be well guided to prepare for your assessments!
Competency assessment: $50 per recognized competency.
Step 5: Development of missing competencies (if applicable)
Depending on the results of your assessments, you will have to complete your process with short, additional training for the competencies not deemed mastered yet (if applicable).
Tuition fees apply and vary depending on the number of competencies to be completed.
This additional short training can take the form of specific readings, tutoring, on-the-job supervision, courses, etc.
Step 6: Official recognition of your competencies
Once all the assessments have been passed, you will receive your transcript and an ATTESTATION OF COLLEGE STUDIES (AEC/ACS) diploma.