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Institutional Policy for the Evaluation of Student Achievement (IPESA)

This policy aims to guide teachers so that they may provide just, equitable and diversified evaluations to their students.

Student Portal

The complete versions of these policies can be accessed by educators and students of École de management INSA on OMNIVOX and are available on request to anyone wishing to consult them. 


French language policy of the INSA

This policy reaffirms this institution’s commitment to the use of high-quality French by all members of École de management INSA . 

Institutional Program Evaluation Policy (IPEP)

This policy describes the standards upon which the principles, rules and regulations of programs at École de management INSA are evaluated. 

Teacher Support Policy

This policy was developed in order to foster a harmonious and stimulating work environment in which instructors receive adequate support in the practice of their teaching.

Student Support Policy

This policy reaffirms the importance of supporting students throughout their academic careers. With the goal of improving learning outcomes, the support provided by École de management INSA focuses on offering help, promoting cooperation and finding solutions to the diverse problems students may face. 


Policy against Sexual Violence

The policy aims to prevent and combat all forms of sexual violence in this institution in order to provide an environment where all students and staff members are treated with dignity and respect. 

Policy against violence, harassment and bullying

This policy aims to combat all forms of violence, harassment and bullying and mobilise all members of École de management INSA in order to prevent and, hopefully, eliminate all such behaviours. 

Call us

Administration service

514-699-0688  /  514-699-0689

Our team has already served over 6,000 students (INSA College)because our main goal is to help them. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Policy on Occupational Health and Safety

This policy reaffirms our objective to ensure the health and safety of all those attending École de management INSA and our commitment to promoting prevention when it comes to matters of health and safety.


Academic Path Regulations

These regulations establish the conditions for admission to the study programs offered by the College, as well as the general rules for establishing the criteria and procedures for the selection of candidates, enrollment and re-enrollment of students, taking into account their academic success.

Student Portal

The complete versions of these regulations can be accessed by educators and students of École de management INSA on OMNIVOX and are available on request to anyone wishing to consult them. 


Call us

Administration service

514-699-0688  /  514-699-0689

Our team has already served over 6,000 students (INSA College) because our main goal is to help them. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Regulations regarding the École de management INSA Code of Conduct

These regulations define conditions favouring a prosperous learning environment, positive learning outcomes and effective personal development. Our goal is to create an open, stimulating, safe and healthy learning environment for those attending École de management INSA. 

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School of Management


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