International students
You would also like to study at the École de management INSA School ?
Just follow these steps to turn your project into reality.

École de Management INSA students come from a vast range of countries, cultures, and walks of life. With 40 percent of our students coming from outside of Canada, and over 60 countries represented in our student body, École de Management INSA is the country’s most international school.
École de Management INSA is proud of its long tradition of welcoming talented students from inside and outside Québec. We look forward to further broadening the diversity of our student body to include more Indian students, francophone and students with lessor financial means.
Here are some more good news: If you’re interested in working while you’re in Canada, you can apply for a work permit after graduation. This is a great way to support your studies while gaining valuable work experience.
Before your studies
1- Apply for admission
To make it easier for you, École de Management INSA has published on its website all information related to the program. Registration is also done online via the Omnivox platform.
After reviewing your file and interview, Ecole de Management INSA will send you an official letter of admission.
2- Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ)
Upon receiving your letter of admission, you must apply for the CAQ and a a Study Permit. You will need the CAQ to get your Canadian student visa. We recommend that you start the CAQ process as soon as possible. You can apply for the CAQ through this website: Click here
3- Study Permit
Upon receiving your CAQ, you must apply for a study permit from Canadian authorities (embassy, consulate or high commission) depending on your country of residence. Consult the list of Canadian Visa Offices (VACs) here: Click here
During and after your studies
1- International Student Insurance
Every international student must have a valid health insurance.
Contact information for insurance plans
You might be eligible for coverage under the Quebec Health Insurance Plan (RAMQ)
2- To extend your CAQ and your stay in Canada
If you need to extend your CAQ, Click here
Starting January 26, 2021, candidates for the International Student Program must submit an application for temporary selection for studies and pay the required fees via the online application for temporary selection for studies. They also need to submit the required documents through the Arrima system as proof of submission.
3-Work as an intern or co-op student
After obtaining your CAQ, you must apply for a study permit from Canadian authorities (embassy, consulate or high commission) depending on your country of residence. You need to indicate that you will follow an internship as a co-op student depending on your program. Click here
4- Work during your studies
If you're attending a designated educational institution, as an international student, you can work part-time during the semester and full-time during summer. Click here
5-Working in Canada after graduation (PGWP)
For more information, please Click here